Turn around, make a round turn – Thinking around the transpositional options of movement | 2013
performative lecture in collaboration with the the performance artist Yuko Matsuyama for the ‘Trans – what? – across and beyond (artistic) research Symposium‘, 28. July, @ Supermarkt Creative Resource Centre, Brunnenstrasse 64, Berlin, Germany. (For further contributions of the event please refer to the transart website.)
Performative lecture with a ‘diffractive’ movement agent (dancer) exploring and defining the space: in orientation and relation to each other, to the audience, and to the speaker
“Thinking on the move: Diffractive practices as embodied ‘agential intra-action’” is a performative lecture, that takes as a central reference Laurent Chétouane’s recent piece ‘Sacré sacre du Printemps‘ (2012). It was developed along the lines of a research experiment serving the larger project of memacism (motion embedded mind agency concept).

In setting the definition of movement prior to thought/representation, as well as the dependent situatedness into a constellation that draws on S. Ahmed’s definition of dis/orientation and equally on the hauntological im/possibilities K. Barad proposes, the paper works diffractively through ideas from sources of different orientation. The situatedness of our constitution as thing/body and the consequent impact on the intertwined practices of knowing and becoming are considered a crucial directive of the emerging relationality affecting the reciprocation between human and as well as non-human agencies.
The definition of this discursive exchange through an idea of ‘measuring’ of the locational space through perception that is enacted in motion, and in return might enable to act in a ‘non-representative’ in-between state, allows to develop a speculative field of shared resonances. The de-centered spatial concept reappears in the work of the choreographer L. Chétouane and is referenced by the dancer. Thus the project turns towards the agent’s body as ‘thing’, a tool of measurement, that is one among other essential contributors in the process of worlding or in Barad’s sense the spacetimemattering of intra-action.
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description=”Turn around, make a round turn”
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at Trans – what? – across and beyond (artistic) research Symposium;
Performer: Yuko Matsuyama; Monika Jaeckel;
Camera: Katharina Weishäupl