Shifting Boundaries: Exteriority within phenomena – performing in site / inside | 2015
talk /movement performance – presented together with:
Kim Chowdhury – traceur (parkour practitioner)
Angeliki Dalangeli – interdisciplinary dance artist
Nikolay Ivonov – traceur (parkour practitioner)
Eva Papadopoulos – interdisciplinary dance artist
Institutions, Politics, Performance Conference 2015, Athens, Greece
The conference sought to bring together interdisciplinary theoretical discourses on politics and artistic production that explicitly negotiate with institutions through experimental praxes from within and beyond them.
24th September – 28th September 2015, Athens / Greece
(For further contributions of the event please refer to the conference website.)
Shifting Boundaries: Exteriority within phenomena – Performing in site – inside:
Transversality, as a ‘micropolitical’ movement entails crossing over common structures and their implied barriers. Taking a view on bodies as boundary objects this lecture explores their ability to transverse common structures. The interweaving with sensuous-aesthetic practices of movement and voicing evoke unforeseen perspectives and connotations. Unanticipated pattern that shift boundaries generatively from within emerge as resonances of difference from phenomena of intra-action.
The proposed presentation might not take an obvious political stand by revealing a possible route instead its point of departure is an experimental performative practice that wants to initiate new modes of organization1 through unexpected forms of movement within institutional framing. This happens by adjustment to academic practices in proposing to official calls for a possible paper presentation. Then, if accepted, attempting to disturb the common routine through a presentation accompanied by a simultaneous movement based performance.

‘Exteriority within Phenomena’ – performers: K.Chowdhury; A. Danlangeli; N. Ivonov; E. Papadopoulos
Despite recent scientific insights in neuroscience, and philosophical thought experiments outlining such fields as New Materialism, Object Oriented Ontology, Radical Enactivism, a.o. the system of binaries seems to be hammered that deeply into our Cartesian modeled minds that exclusive ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ modes of current institutional frameworks are only one symptom of it. Models that include the body, the experience, the sensual, etc. are mostly not acknowledged as legitimate concepts. In terms of knowledge production the written/read theory establishes the relevant currency that precedes the presentation of performed artistic abstraction. Albeit not only our current situation shows that situatedness is relevant for any form of experience, including sitting, listening, or reading, its exclusion from the frame is certified as irrelevant parameter.

‘Exteriority within Phenomena’ – performers: K.Chowdhury; A. Danlangeli; N. Ivonov; E. Papadopoulos
My research attempts to work through insights of K. Barad ‘agential realism’ towards an understanding of agency that is always intra-actively engaged with its surroundings enacting agential separability as ‘exteriority-within-phenomena’2 . A ‘cutting together-apart’3 of inside and outside as intertwined experience which rather than defining either/or definitions are based on onto-epistemological practices opening up towards a rather diffracted approach defining the modes of perception/organization.
[1] Change of organization through a different perception
[2] Barad, Karen. “Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter”, in Signs, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2004
[3] Barad, Karen. “Diffracting Diffraction: Cutting Together-Apart”, in Parallax, Vol. 20, 3, 2014
video: Exteriority within Phenomena –at the Institutions, Politics, Performance Conference 2015, Athens (Greece), which brought together interdisciplinary theoretical discourses on politics and artistic production that explicitly negotiate with institutions through experimental praxes from within and beyond them. 24th – 28th September 2015, Athens / Greece
Performer: Kim Chowdhury; Angeliki Danlangeli; Nikolay Ivonov; Eva Papadopoulos