DOP – The Delegation of Perception | 2002

‘The Delegation of Perception’
Thesis, and lecture with performative media transmission for the final project of the EMMA European Media Master of Arts at the Merz Akademie, Stuttgart, Germany and University of Portsmouth, UK
July 2002
The work has also been presented at the Digital BIEDERMEIER salon of TECHNOLOGIZING OIKOS AND GORA, [d]vision – Festival for Digital Culture, Vienna, Austria, Nov-Dec. 2002
This link >>> directs to the offline website of the project hosts and (in its www-version: external link) links to online material about the influence of remote seeing devices on perception. It concentrates on a general analysis of the transmission of digital imaginary in ‘DOP – The Delegation of Perception’, a thesis which had been conceived as a final project for my MA in European Media in 2002. (The Thesis can be accessed below.)

Starting point of the work was a critical approach towards the actual visual material in times of digital production and transmission. To limit the area it concentrates on images provided through remote controlled technical devices. This section of an indirect perception concerns an increasing part of our visual information input, thus we rarely consider a critical examination of this visualizations, but still take it as a fact that `seeing’ is equal to `experience’.