borderline symptoms

.. quoting from a NYT supplement of the german newspaper SZ (link) titled ‘moods, madness and mania’ – which I could not find online:

Dr. Millon has helped revise the psychiatric manual, and he tells the story of borderline personality disorder. In the late 70s he was among a small group of psychiatrists and psychoanalysts who settled on the term ‘borderline’ to mean people who were inbetween neurotic and psychotic: a needy, scattered, uncertain self or personality.
Borderline is now one of the most popular diagnosis in psychiatry. “This seems to me a kind of diagnosis for our age, this complex, changing, fluid society in which young people are not allowed to internalize a coherent picture of who they are, ” Dr. Millon said … “There are too many options, too many choises, and there’s a sense of ‘I don’t know who I am – am I angry, am I contrite, happy sad?’ It’s the scattered confusion of modern society.”

Reading this paragraph brought up associations of the usage of the term ‘borderline’ at various events and makes one thoughtful about the inherent simultaneity of possibilities and restrictions which accompany passages of change. So now 5 years old manifesta3 titled its catalogue Borderline Syndrome as a Metaphor for Present-Day Europe when it obviously still was thought that borders are that easily to be defined.
.. up to the recent fadaiat event including the Borderline Academy aiming to allow further permeability of borders and attempting to show the already possible ..
Finally eventhough the link seems loose and one might ask if Dr. Millon is that actual when reading this essay – a reference to Peter Hoeg’s early book Borderliners.
.. keeping thoughts meandering might already be a symptom …
… and lead further … ; )