muybridge re-animated

This website on photographers and pioneers in animation shows a reversal of Muybridge‘s exact analysis of movement and reanimates single still images into an ongoing process like in work, rest & play , also look for horse in motion and the moving forward link.
The site is linked to from chronographical projections a listing of some major chronophotographers from the 19thcentury and describes their early efforts to capture tiny sparks of time. (It is a great source about early developments concerned with trying to understand seeing, and the devices built to support, substitute, deceit and ‘extend’ the eye’s illusion. There is lots of animated material to look at – sorrily no direct link possible).

An other interesting find is the EARLY VISUAL MEDIA site – a collection on historical objects around Pre-Cinema, Precursors of Photography, Photography & Early Film, AND Conjuring Arts in relation to the previous subjects.