Islam in Europe / arabs and terrorism

Hm …. there is hope for a change after Obama’s recent speech which the german magazine ‘Der Spiegel’ announced as A ‘NEW BEGINNING’ IN CAIRO, but certainly it won’t work without looking into one’s own preconceptions.

While in NYC the NYPL & The European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC) present “ISLAM IN EUROPE – Insult: Fractured States?” as a three-evening symposium on June 9, 10, and 11 that gathers prominent, cross-sector speakers from diverse disciplines and the Muslim diaspora to share country-specific perspectives on Muslim communities’ integration in European society, here in Berlin the ZMO invites for June 15 to rethink …….

What is said about… ARABS AND TERRORISM
by Bassam Haddad – USA 2006 – OmE 90′

Berlin, Kino Arsenal, 15 June 2009, 8 pm
Screening and Talk with the Director and Sinan Antoon

This documentary by Bassam Haddad critically examines the dominant discourse in the United States and Europe about the supposed relationship between Arabs and Terrorism. The project is divided into three miniseries filmed across the globe (USA, France, UK, Netherlands, Spain, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Israel). It includes 125 distinguished interviewees in 11 countries, and dozens of street interviews. Researched in six languages, this documentary project is a critical examination of the implicit, and often explicit, connection made in the West—primarily in government and mainstream media discourses— between Arabs and “terrorism.” The aim of this project is to examine these perceptions (of Arabs and “terrorism”), elucidate their origin, and assess their validity. Representatives, leading figures, and CEOs of think tanks such as American Enterprise Institute, The Hudson Institute, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, CSIS,
and The Washington Institute for Near East Affairs, Europeaen analysts and politicians debate—through pre-recorded interviews with —heads of or-ganizations such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hizbullah. See also:

Bassam Haddad is Assistant Professor of Political Science at St. Joseph’s University and Visiting Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University. He serves as Editor of the Arab Studies Journal (, and is co-producer/director of the award-winning documentary film About Baghdad (, which assessed the lives of Iraqis in a post-Saddam occupied Iraq. Bassam Haddad is the co-founder of Quilting Point and director/executive producer of this documentary series on Arabs and Terrorism.