Making things public … an experimental assembly of assemblies

A new exhibition project by the ZKM announced under that title Making Things Public-Atmopheres of Democracy will be opened saturday 19. Initiated by Peter Weibel and Bruno Latour the project is described as an experiment in defining an assembly of assemblies according to Latour’s introduction for the voluminous catalog as: In many ways our exhibition is an effort in teratology, an experiment in trying to pry apart two ghostly figures: the Leviathan and the Phantom of the Public.

A short overview with a list of artists is provided together with short description of the thematic structuring of the show to which one is invited:

… politics might not be so much about opinion as about things – things made public.
You are invited to find your way through this installation of installations, all of which have been created specifically for this event. This is not exactly an art show, nor is it a political rally but an experimental assembly of assemblies.
We would like you to answer the question : “Are you well represented ?” by considering simultaneously three meanings of the word “representation” : in science, in art, in politics.

UPDATE 24-03-2005: on rohrpost mailinglist a critic (german only) of the show by A.Broeckmann has been published . His description reminds of what was Iconoclash like – and eventhough I am aware and agree to some of the critical points – it has been a good experience back then. So as to be expected it seems to be again one of these major ZKM shows where the catalogue is dominating the project, in contrary to the usual viceversa (where catalogs are most of the time handled on a postcard / souvenir level) .. but eventually still far from the desirable situation where each (show and surplus material) is supporting the other element from a different angle. Finally more updates to come when I got the possibility to go ..