performative acts
Homi Bhabha's quote, which came along with exploring the(no)space of Black Atlantic at the House of World Cultures the recent days, kept on lingeringThe right to narrate one's own history is more than just a linguistic act.
Finally it initiated a search renewal on his name leading to still highly actual insights:< Read More
.. and coding the code again ….
.. yesterdays post linked to Black Atlantik's website project, which I now found described as: Read MoreBlack Atlantic
the recent event in Berlin's HKW presents itself as a project not just conceived as ...< Read Moredata overlay encounters
... some time ago the following comment on so called 'cyber'-culture still could claim some relevance, but was already problematic in terms of a more hybrid understanding of emerging identities ... Read Moreemerging cyber-selves
A self emerges in the process of interaction. Important to this process are both symbolic meanings and the structure of interaction. That is, meaning and the form Read Morealicealice
... emerging identities in remote conversations ... Read MoreAnother World, Possibly
Yet not that much some reviews of the new book Multitude. War and Democracy in the age of Empire.. more likely some angles supporting a clearing view on the phanomeneon of Hardt and Negri and their books and ideas Read Morefriendly fire
... some questions to be asked by Iraqi writer Khalid Kishtainy on openDemocracy ..Of course US apologists will take solace and pride in the fact that Michael Moore is still alive and free and was able to produce
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